Triple Power Juice - Apple Carrot Beet Ginger Blend

This beet, apple, carrot, and ginger juice is a deliciously healthy blend of sweet and earthy flavors with a zesty kick. The sweetness of the apples and carrots pairs perfectly with the slightly earthy taste of the beets, while the ginger adds a spicy kick that balances everything out. Not only is this juice refreshing and delicious, but it’s also packed with vitamins and antioxidants, making it a perfect way to start your day or recharge your energy. With its vibrant color and nutrient-rich ingredients, this juice is an excellent way to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals in a tasty and satisfying way.

Preparation time 10 min
This recipe keeps for 1 day

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • 2 medium Beets, raw (rinsed, peeled and chopped)
  • 2 medium Apples, raw, golden (organic)
  • 3 medium Carrots, raw (organic, rinsed and roughly chopped)
  • 2,5 cm Ginger root, raw (organic)

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  1. Prepare the veggies
    Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly to remove any dirt. Peel the beets and cut all the ingredients to fit your juicer.
    Tip: It’s important to wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consuming or juicing them to remove any dirt, pesticides or harmful bacteria that may be present on the surface. When it comes to peeling, it’s a personal preference and depends on the type of produce. In this case, peeling the beets is necessary, but peeling the other ingredients is optional. Choosing organic produce can reduce the risk of exposure to pesticides and other harmful chemicals.
  2. Make the juice
    Next, run all ingredients through your juicer.
  3. To Serve
    Stir the juice to combine and enjoy it immediately.
    Tip: When you drink juice immediately after it’s made, you’re getting the maximum nutritional benefits from the fruits and vegetables. This is because the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes in the juice are still intact and haven’t had time to degrade. Fresh juice is also richer in flavor and has a more vibrant color compared to juice that has been stored.
  4. To Store
    If you need to store the juice, it’s best to keep it in an airtight container in the refrigerator and consume it within a day or so.

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One serving contains 217 calories, 4 grams of protein, 1 grams of fat, and 50 grams of carbohydrates.

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Written by

Andreea Matei

Hi, I'm Andreea Matei, one of the founders. Calling me a foodie would be an understatement. I wholeheartedly embrace life through the realm of taste. My kitchen experiments are my superpower. For me, amazing food encompasses three dimensions: it must be crazy delicious, nutritious, and mindful of our animal friends and beautiful planet.